
Name: Sullivan Walsh

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sex: Intersex (XXY Klinefelter’s)

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Race: Asian European

Birthday: August 23, 199X

Height: 6’4” (193cm)

Weight: 235lbs (107kg)

Constitution: Poor (Addison’s Disease)

Family: Unknown



More Details:

Body Type: Pear-shaped and disproportionate. Sullivan has a very slender upper body and a majority of his weight/fat rests in his hips and thighs. His chest is undefined and soft due to gynecomastia.

Face: Sullivan has effeminate features. He grows no facial hair and has a pale and smooth complexion. Most noticeable are his blue eyes and the mole beneath his left eye.

Voice: Very soft-spoken and gentle in tone. He is prone to stammering and breaks in his sentences with frequent cracks to his voice. He is not one to yell or scream. His voice fades if he’s to try.

Posture: As small as possible. He is prone to slouching and keeping his gaze on the ground.

Wardrobe: Oversized clothing that covers his figure. Generally, sizes are 2-3x bigger.

art credit: cosmicstardreamer

art credit: cosmicstardreamer


<aside> ‼️ Trigger warning! Sexual & Physical abuse mention.


Unable to afford him at a young age, Sullivan’s mother forfeited him to the orphanage at birth. He was never adopted/fostered by another family and remained in the orphanage until he “aged out” and was able to emancipate at age 18.

Sullivan was always a timid, emotional, and quiet personality. Even as a child, he was content in observing rather than being a part of others’ activities. To his teachers and peers, he came across as awkward and socially withdrawn, both affectionately and critically called a crybaby. Throughout his elementary years, however, there was nothing more to say about him. Some teasing here and there was all that he received at this time.

Middle school and high school is where Sullivan began to stick out. Diagnosed with Klinefelter’s Syndrome and starting hormone treatment, puberty was quite unkind to him. More feminine features were an easy target of Kenji’s, a fellow classmate that had become obsessed with harassing him.

Sullivan struggled with emotional and physical abuse. Constantly demeaned for his appearance, he became the laughingstock of his male classmates. His abuse gave Kenji popularity and served to escalate the antics.

baby boy 2.jpg

As time carried on, his mistreatment by Kenji turned sexual. It boxed Sullivan in, building a shame that he felt was inescapable. He was isolated from his peers and found no help from the adults in his life. High school ending was his only hope of freedom.

Most interactions with Sullivan begin after high school. He’s been intentionally locked away in his apartment for 3 years. He does want to improve upon this and is actively making attempts to be more social and open with other people. Whether he is successful or not is still to tell.

<aside> 📌 This is the start of most verses! It is very critical to the mannerisms and insecurities that Sullivan has!


Synopsis Information of Conditions

Klinefelter’s Syndrome

A genetic condition where the patient is born with an extra X chromosome (XXY). A majority of patients identify as the male gender and follow treatment plans suited to the expectation of a male’s body. Sullivan is the same.

The severity of Klinefelter’s Syndrome varies. While the primary sexual characteristics are the same (genitalia), secondary sex characteristics (changes through puberty attributing to sex, but not genitalia) change based on the person’s hormones.

Sullivan has very non-masculine features as a result of low testosterone and high estrogen caused by Klinefelter’s.

Klinefelter’s Syndrome

tag: ♡;; klinefelter/intersex

Gender Dysphoria/Body Dysmorphia:

Gender Dysphoria is the psychological distress caused by a discrepancy between one’s experienced/expressed gender and one’s assigned gender and/or primary or secondary sex characteristics.

Body Dysmorphia: is the psychological distress caused by dissatisfaction with one’s physical self. This can be a small ‘imperfection’ or the body as a whole.

In-depth for Gender Dysphoria


A phobia is an uncontrollable, irrational, and lasting fear of a certain object, situation, or activity. This does not touch base on mannerisms that could be associated with an avoidant personality disorder.

Sullivan has two main phobias that have remained since high school as a result of trauma:

Public Restrooms/Locker Rooms: this is not the same as Agoraphobia (fear or public open or crowded spaces) or Paruresis (phobia of using the bathroom publicly). Sullivan’s phobia is the location itself.

Eisoptrophobia: fear of seeing his own reflection.

In-depth for Phobias

Mental Health Tag: ♡;; mental health



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